Hi there!
So sorry for the delay in responding! There are indeed other things that are supported! Here they are:
- header
- paragraph
- text
- password
- radio
- number
- email
- checkbox
I have admittedly not tested the other input components, but they should automatically style themselves and place them in the order you structured the form in. You can also make certain fields visible only to owners, editors and moderators in a space. This is a client side protection only. Your server side code must also check whether someone has that role (see spaceSetsSpaceMembers). Front-end only security is like a screen door on a submarine.
If it looks wonky, post back here and we’ll take a look at it
Here’s the default properties.entries
value for a freshly placed Password Door. Basically what’s happening is when you interact with it, it’s sending playerInteracts through the gameserver, and then if any fields were filled out when you hit submit, it sends those too. You can change the order, style and content in whatever way is visually appealing - the only things you currently cannot change is that edit and submit button.
entries: [
type: "header",
value: "This area is password protected",
key: "mainHeader",
type: "paragraph",
value: "Welcome! This is a private area. Please enter the password below.",
key: "mainParagraph",
type: "password",
value: "Enter password",
key: "submitPassword",
type: "header",
value: "Admin Settings",
key: "adminSettingsHeader",
requiredLevel: "moderator",
type: "paragraph",
"Only space moderators can see this menu. You can set the password and greeting text here. Be sure to double check the formatting looks alright!",
key: "adminSettingsParagraph",
requiredLevel: "moderator",
type: "text",
value: "Update header...",
key: "adminSettingsSetHeader",
requiredLevel: "moderator",
type: "text",
value: "Update paragraph...",
key: "adminSettingsSetParagraph",
requiredLevel: "moderator",
type: "text",
value: "Update password...",
key: "adminSettingsSetPassword",
requiredLevel: "moderator",
Hope this helps!