November Contest Submission: The treasure hunt

Space Title: The treasure hunt
Space Link: Gather
Space One-Liner: A complete treasure hunt experience with many clues and mysteries.
What are users expected to do in the space? What is the objective?
The purpose of the map is to make the user have a treasure hunting experience, walking through different maps and uncovering clues.

Space Creator Name(s): Luisa Cabral e Bruno Lima
Space Creator Twitter Profile(s): @Lu_Cabral_

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Very very cool use of Gather assets and maps, coming together as a story-based adventure.

Hello! Could you DM me your email?

Hey, you guys said there would be an official post on Monday, but I haven’t seen anything. When will it come out and when will we know more about the prize?

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Trying to collect all the emails - I received yours.
Sorry for the delay in the “official response”. The post on the main contest thread should already clear up the rankings, while the prize info is found on the contest page itself.

What specific information would you say you are missing that an official post would have?
I will make sure to include it together with all the other info in one post for clarity.

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Cool, Jommi! Thanks for the answer.

I was actually wanting to know more about how the prize will be awarded! but as you are already putting together emails I believe that this information will come soon, right?