Space Title: SOTONGgame
Space Link: Gather
Space One-Liner: Gather your buddies, challenge the Sotong game!
What are users expected to do in the space? What is the objective?
SOTONG GAME is inspired and modified from “Squid Game” (Netflix TV show). SOTONG GAME try to present the scene in the TV show and let you experience the games. Same to Squid Game, there are total 6 games in SOTONG GAME, but all the games have been modified and adapted to gather town’s operation style.
Gather your buddies, challenge the Sotong game! Compete each other to see who will be the Winner.
If you are playing alone also doesn’t matter, Just Challenge it!
Hope you all enjoy the SOTONG GAME.
Space Creator Name(s): MOSES CHING YU KEIT
Space Creator Twitter Profile(s): @MOSESSESS (