Display a website directly in spaces without user interactions

My team is pretty new to gather, and i’m wondering if there is a way to setup an embedded website directly visible inside the space without user interaction, with a scheduled refresh.
The goal is to replicate a control screen available inside a physical open space displaying alerts and graph.

Thanks :pray:

There isn’t a way to prevent users from interacting with embedded iframe websites within Gather. So if you’re looking to prevent people from clicking on your dashboard, you might consider an alternative such modifying your dashboard to a read-only view.

If you are looking for a dashboard that is visible in the office without requiring users to interact with a Gather object to open the embedded website iframe, then you will need to get a bit more involved with the developer API. You could create objects and text to represent your dashboard info then modify them with the API (change colors, change objects) to represent the state of your dashboard. It’s not a perfect solution, but is an option.