Adding Information to a object

Hi community,

I’m interested in learning more about the most common or usefull things you add to a object. So that when you subscribe to player interacts you receive more information from that event then objID, name and so on.
Are there even any ways to put more details and informations to individual objects in gather it self?

there’s an object field customState which you can set to any string – this is how doors store if they’re open/closed, and plants store which stage of growth they’re in

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thank you, that helped!

I had a follow up question on this. Can I use customState of an object to show an object in a specific state for a specified user? Meaning if the user interacted with the object then its in a different state but only for that user and for everyone else it’s in its original state.

Per user data presentation does not work, as objects are currently implemented. We do not have access to the front end of the platform, which is where I personally would enact any logic based user interactions. There are options if you create a webpage and use the identity linking feature, but that is a much more expanded solution.

What if we saved the customState of an object in a user data DB and get the frontend to check for the customState before displaying the object? Is that possible?

Can you please help me understand your “create a webpage/expanded solution”?

Thank you!

If I understand you correctly, this is propably something you’d like to do via cookies isn’t it?

Because you can’t display a object itself only in one way and the same way for all users. But the iframed website behind it can have cookie related visuals…

Oh that’s interesting. How does one go about doing that? And what do you mean by iframed website? Do you mean that the space will be embedded inside another website/webpage?

Few things:

  • Gather is not iframe embedable. The websites that objects within a Gather space link to are iframe embedded.

  • To interact with cookies, you must have a way of setting and reading the cookies. The easiest way to approach this is the Gather Identity Linking workflow.

  • You still have to read the URL parameter, and somehow link it to information, usually from a websocket connection or database.

Okay that makes sense. Two questions here:

  1. This would still be only a frontend display right? If the user decides to delete cache/cookies, the objects will be back to their original state. No way to save this into the user’s account/db?
  2. There might be close to 100 objects that I might want to update based on each user. How do I pass that much data in a url slug?

I wasn’t able to find any data on Gather Identity Linking. Can you share some material on that?

  1. The cookies would be read by whatever website was accessed from within the object, not by the objects themselves. This means all the users would see the same objects, but when they click x near them, they would get a unique looking webpage in the iframe that pops up.

  2. This is a databasing issue, as your website would have to store and retrieve whatever information you were trying to customize. The only information you would retrieve from the user would be their Gather ID.

Gather Identity Linking: Link