Is there any way to change the text in a text object?


I tried changing the text in a TextV2 object, but was not successful. I am using the websocket API, and the connection works, I’m able to listen to events, get objects details, etc. I noticed, on the browser console, that the text object has a property “text” with a “text” field inside, where the actual data that’s shown is present. But, on the API, this doesn’t appear on the MapObject. I tried doing the following, but wasn’t successful, nothing happened: = new Game(SPACE_ID, () => Promise.resolve({ apiKey: API_KEY }));; (connected) => {
      console.log("Connected to Gather", connected);
      await"bG_-YwCP495tSI48geWzu", "F8Qu", { text: { text: "Hello World" } }, true)

Are there any ways I could do this? It would be awesome to change a text on our office dynamically, to show progress to our team through it.

Thank you!

Hey, we haven’t exposed the text edit functionality through the WebSocket API yet. It is on our backlog but I don’t have a timeline for it yet.

Oh, got it. Is it possible through the REST API, or not as well? It’d be a really nice feature to have.

Not at the moment, we need to make a few updates/changes before opening it up.

Understood! Thanks again, we’ll be thrilled when it’s possible to do it.

Adding my enthusiasm for this functionality.