How to pick up object with spacebar?

I cant exactly give you the actual code, as there are a lot of considerations as to player behavior, object preferences, etc, but from a pseudo-code standpoint, you would:

Connect to the space using game.connect()

Set up a subscription to the 'playerTriggersItem' event

Inside the event, code for if they are allowed to pick up the item. If they are, add it to their character.

Also check if they already have an item, and if they do, drop it, or maybe swap it with the other close one.

When they pick up an item, be sure to delete the object on the ground too. (Unless multiple can be picked up)

When they drop an item, create an item with the proper characteristics on the ground, somewhere.

Technically, those are all the parts you would need for spacebar interactions.

Edit: didnt expect the bolded words, those don’t mean anything specific.