Looking to build a web3 UI utilizing Gather, similar to my space boucePass Labs. When you walk out of my building you enter Nostalgea a metaverse incorporating NFT owned parcels by CryptoArcade.
Interested in brainstorming ideas for a space similar to this outside my building to create a persistent metaverse space in Gather that draws in a community.
Here is some info on Hackathon
Polygon Buidl It Summer Hackathon Current - Aug 1st
There are a bunch of tracks including a TBA $50k Designathon.
If interested you can continue the thread or send me a message. My skillset includes: enough solidity, javascript, html, css and blockchain knowledge to build a workable product front to back on any EVM chain. My skills lack: I can’t draw a decent duck on paper and my digital ducks suck too.