Heads up: automatically pruning `highlighted` from type 0 (no interaction) objects

it’s going to save a ton of space in maps in 99-100% of cases!

One edge case is if you switch objects back and forth from type 0 (Interaction.NONE) to interactive types, and don’t re-set the highlighted image already. Is anyone actually doing this? Would love to turn this on starting monday

@Bill_Uncork-It and @Kevin-RtR especially

I had one idea which would have used switching back and forth, but I can always store the highlighted url in customState if needed.

Thanks for the heads up! Sounds like a good change.

Sounds good @npfoss!

We’ll sometimes switch an object to a type 0 in order to set a cooldown period on it, but removing the highlight object shouldn’t be an issue.

Thanks for the heads up! :slight_smile:

Great, thanks! This will be huge for spaces pushing up against the size limit right now since by default we’ve been slapping useless highlighted images on all type 0s for ages :upside_down_face: