GatherTownJS - NodeJS API Client

Hello, I would like to introduce my project for the Gather Town API. I’m currently working on this and updates are coming from time to time. This is a NodeJS API wrapper that can support both Gather HTTP API and Websocket API. Currently, the available is HTTP API get requests as I’m working on the Websocket API as per the advice of the team from the Gather.

Repo: GitHub - WarenGonzaga/gathertown.js: A simple and lightweight but powerful Node.js client for Gather API.
Package: gathertown.js - npm

Discussion: Discussions · WarenGonzaga/gathertown.js · GitHub

Let me know, what you think? I’m also looking for someone to help me build this project.

Progress updates: Discussions: Alpha Version Update!

Just got the official domain name for the project!