- Community Name: DIB UniBa
- Community URL: Gather
- How does one join your Community?
At the moment the community is closed and it is available to some members and students of the “Computer Science” dept. (DIB) of the University of Bari “A. Moro” (Italy). In future it will be possible to host all the DIB members or those who have an @uniba.it email. At the moment, the access is primarily managed by Fabrizio Balducci (Phd, Assistant Professor).
- How are you using Gather for your Community?
The main focus is ideation, content creation and knowledge dissemination since it is meant as a virtual extension of our Computer Science dept. (DIB) of the University of Bari “A. Moro” (Italy). The purpose is twofold: both to be able to host students (and of course, future students) and members of the University and to allow students and undergraduates to deepen the themes of the metaverse for research purposes.